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March 23, 2025

Life in The Mill

Bigelow Sanford hired her to operate a twisting machine toward the end of World War II. The mills hired many women then to take the places of men who were in the military. She worked in Building 54.

Amsterdam’s mill girl’s long and Productive Life 

By Bob Cudmore, Focus on History, Daily Gazette

     Amsterdam’s mill girl died August 24. 2018, at Albany Medical Center.  Sophie “Sue” Fraczek was 94. According to her grandnephew, Dominick Fraczek, she died at Albany Medical Center but had been living in a second-floor apartment on Amsterdam’s Guy Park Avenue.

Her parents, Dominick F. and Mary Kosiba Fraczek, were Polish immigrants. Her father worked at Mohawk Carpet mills in Amsterdam. Her mother, who died young, sometimes worked at Bigelow Sanford, the rug mill that bordered the Fraczek’s Park Hill neighborhood.

Aunt Sue, as she was known to her nieces and nephews, attended Amsterdam High and took a power machine course at Vrooman Avenue School in 1940. She worked at Novak’s shirt factory on Edson Street and the Amsterdam Coat Company in the West End.

Bigelow Sanford hired her to operate a twisting machine toward the end of World War II. The mills hired many women then to take the places of men who were in the military.  She worked in Building 54.

“When I went to work (at Bigelow, I was scared to death,” she said in an interview. “It was my first time in a carpet mill. It was hot. It was noisy.”

The machine she used took two or three strands of wool and twisted the strands into yarn that was used to weave carpets. The yarn left the twisting room on spools or bobbins which fed the yarn into the looms.

Her pay was based on piece work, in her case determined by the weight of the bobbins of yarn she produced. She recalled making $45 for 40 hours work, a lot less she said than carpet weavers made.

Her picture was taken in front of her machine, a photo that ended up at the Walter Elwood Museum in Amsterdam. Television producer Steve Dunn picked that image to symbolize the 2000 WMHT-TV documentary he and I produced, “Historic Views of the Carpet City: Amsterdam, N.Y.”

Dunn said, “It is a really good picture, technically good. The black and white content expressed the whole theme—industrial workers in a mill town. I loved the way the spindles receded in the picture, and I loved the bandanna and the period clothes the woman wore.”

The photo was used in the documentary and illustrated newspaper articles about the film. It was displayed on the cover of WMHT’s viewer magazine.

Aunt Sue did not know the photo existed until she saw it on television. According to a grandnephew she would tell people, “I’m the mill girl!” The photo is one of two pictures of her in the collection of the Elwood Museum.

Dunn and I did not know the identity of the mill girl until several months after the documentary appeared. School teacher Gerry Brown stopped to talk with me at the Amsterdam Price Chopper and identified the mill girl as her godmother and aunt. Aunt Sue was the topic of my first column for the Daily Gazette in November 2000.

She stayed at Bigelow Sanford until the company left Amsterdam in 1955. She then did a similar job for Mohawk/Mohasco Carpet for six years.

Later she worked at several textile mills, retiring in 1989 from Stratojac a company that moved to Amsterdam in the 1980s to make coats.

She was not the only Amsterdam mill veteran who could say, “Almost every job I lost was because the company moved out.”

Sophie “Sue” Fraczek never married but spent years helping raise children in her extended family. She had a great eye for selecting gifts for nieces and nephews. She liked listening to the radio and loved to read, especially the classics.

Bob Cudmore is a freelance writer.

518 346 6657

March 16, 2025

Rocket Man from The Mohawk Valley

Petrone was launch director at Kennedy Space Flight Center in Florida and was what the New York Times called a “driving force” in the Apollo moon program.

Amsterdam’s Rocket Man

By Bob Cudmore, Focus on History

     Amsterdam city historian Robert von Hasseln has compiled biographical data on Rocco Petrone, Amsterdam’s link to the moon landings that took place over 50 years ago.

Petrone was launch director at Kennedy Space Flight Center in Florida and was what the New York Times called a “driving force” in the Apollo moon program. “Sparsely spoken and self-effacing in public, Petrone was tough, blunt, and demanding in private,” von Hasseln said.

“Once, when a briefing contractor attempted to bluff him on a critical question the contractor could not answer, Petrone physically hustled him off the podium and had him banned from ever working with the space program again.”

Petrone was born in Amsterdam in 1926. His parents were immigrants from Sasso di Castalda in Basilicata, Italy. Petrone’s father was a railroad laborer killed in a work accident when Rocco was an infant. His mother worked in a glove factory and later remarried.

“As a child, Petrone delivered ice to make family ends meet,” von Hasseln said. Petrone received an appointment to West Point in World War II where he did well academically and played defensive tackle on the 1945 national championship football team.

He served during the occupation of Germany and earned advanced degrees at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He worked on the U.S. missile program in the 1950s and was detailed to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. He retired as a Lieutenant Colonel from the Army in 1966 to assume the launch director job at NASA.

After the moon landing in 1969, Petrone was promoted to direct the entire Apollo Program. In 1973, he became director of Marshall Space Flight Center where he oversaw the Skylab space station project. He retired from NASA in 1975.

He became CEO of a resource recovery organization but returned to the space industry as an official of Rockwell International.

Von Hasseln said, “Petrone was one of the few to recommend against the launching of the Space Shuttle Challenger on its last mission in 1986, although his concern was that cold weather would damage its insulating tiles, not the o-ring seals in the booster rockets which failed causing the explosion that destroyed the craft and killed its crew.”

Petrone died in 2006.  He and has wife Ruth Holley Petrone lived in California and had four children.  The launch control center in Florida has been named in his honor.  Petrone Square at Church and East Main in downtown Amsterdam is also named for him.

Von Hasseln said, “The day he died the Space Shuttle Atlantis was undergoing its final preflight checks at the space port he had helped build. In an ironic but perhaps fitting tribute to his accomplishments, Petrone’s obituary drew more space in the national media than what by then was an almost routine event.”


     Historic Amsterdam League held an Amsterdam trivia night recently at the Brewery at 30 East Main Street. Jerry Snyder of the League said, “We had about 40 people there and I think everyone had a good time. How can you not when there's pizza and beer?  We'll probably do another one later this year.”

Bonus question at the first session was about WCSS, Amsterdam’s first radio station. Here’s a WCSS question: Who was the longtime early morning host of Amsterdam’s WCSS?  Was it Bill Pope, Don Weeks, Lloyd Smith or Boom Boom Brannigan? 

The answer is Lloyd Smith. Bill Pope was popular on WCSS but did not do the early morning show.  Don Weeks did early mornings on WGY radio.  Boom Boom Brannigan did an early morning radio shift in Amsterdam but at another station, originally called WAFS. 

Bob Cudmore is a freelance writer.

518 346 6657

March 09, 2025


.....A short, nimble player (he was five foot six), Young played on New York's top cricket team.

Amsterdam area native was Baseball Pioneer

By Bob Cudmore, Focus on History

    Nick Young, a founder of Major League Baseball, was a native of Amsterdam. Born in 1840, Young was the son of Almarin and Mary Young. His father was in the grain and gristmill business.

When Young was eight years old, his family moved to Old Fort Johnson, which had been built west of what is nowAmsterdam by prominent Colonial figure Sir William Johnson.

Young learned to play cricket which had been brought to Amsterdam by English immigrants hired by the growing textile industry.

Young recalled that he and other young Americans became so "proficient" playing cricket that they soon were able to beat the English carpet and knitting mill workers "at their own game."

A short, nimble player (he was five foot six), Young played on New York's top cricket team.

Young moved to Albany to help his father's business in 1858, the year his mother died. His father Almarin was appointed Amsterdam postmaster by President Lincoln in 1861.

Young enlisted in the Union Army in 1862 and first with a New York regiment and later with the Signal Corps, he participated in many battles in the Civil War.

Young also took part in an early version of the new sport of baseball while in the Union army. During a lull in the fighting, Young was the pitcher on a pioneer ball team called the New Yorks.  The New Yorks played a game against non-New Yorkers who called themselves the United States as a reported fifteen thousand people watched.

When the war ended Young went to Washington, D.C., where he worked for the Treasury Department but continued to be active in baseball.

He was a right fielder and official of an amateur baseball team in Washington. He officiated as an umpire in championship games. However, rowdiness and rampant gambling turned the public against baseball.

With reform in mind, in 1871 Young issued a call for the first nationwide meeting of professional baseball club owners. Delegates met in a large room over Collier's Restaurant at the 10th Street and Broadway in New York City. The National Association was formed at that meeting with Young chosen as secretary.

"From the seemingly little acorn we planted that night on St. Patrick's Day, 1871," Young wrote, "what a giant oak has grown, spreading its branches over this greatest of all lands, and furnishing clean, honest, healthful amusement for millions of people."

Young and Mary E. Cross of Washington married in 1872. They had four children. In 1876 baseball's National Association became the National League and Young continued as secretary. In 1881 he was elected National League president.

Although he was called Uncle Nick and was a popular figure, Young's years as league president were marked by continued conflicts. There were rowdy and violent incidents on the baseball playing fields. 

Many players bolted to the rival American League when it formed in 1901. The turmoil led to Young withdrawing from a further term as National League president in 1903.

He returned to the Treasury Department. He died in 1916 at 76 at the home of one of his sons in Washington.


Reader James Flack is looking for family information on Nick Young. You may reach Flack at

Judith V. Reynolds Hoell wants to know more about her Reynolds’ ancestors who were dentists in Amsterdam, “There are many old newspaper clippings about the family. Yet when I search historical sites in your area there is no mention of them.” Her grandfather was Clarence and his dad was Wallace T. Reynolds. There were seven dentists and one M.D. in the family. Hoell’s email is

Bob Cudmore is a freelance writer.

518 346 6657

March 02, 2025

"Open to All."

....The Amsterdam facility has now been named the central library for the Mohawk Valley Library System.

Library plays role in region's cultural life

By Bob Cudmore, Focus on History 

     Carved in stone over the front entrance to the Amsterdam Free Library at Church and Grove streets are the words, "Open to All." Generations of Amsterdamians are familiar with the interior of the stately building with its handsome woodwork, large reading tables, computers and second floor children's section.

The present library building opened in 1903. A wing at the rear of the structure was added in 1980. The Amsterdam facility has now been named the central library for the Mohawk Valley Library System.

“We’re proud to call ourselves the central library and we’re going to do our best to make sure that we do as much as we can for everyone,” said Nicole Hemsley, the library’s executive director, in an interview with the Daily Gazette.

The first organized book collection in the city was the Amsterdam Union Library, founded in 1805 and operated one day a week from the home of the librarian. There are no records for the Union Library after 1832 and it is not known when this subscription library ceased operations.

The Amsterdam Literary Association was formed in the 1840s to promote literature and the association lasted at least until 1860.  

Speakers were invited to winter sessions but the bylaws stipulated that speakers be paid no more than travel expenses. When there was no speaker, topics were debated, such as "Is the motto, Our Country Right or Wrong, consistent with true patriotism?"

On January 14, 1848 an unknown topic was discussed with "a good deal of irregular conversation between members -- whereupon on or about the hour of ten and without any motion being put, the meeting broke in a row." At the next meeting, the minutes were altered by changing "row" to "disorder."

In 1891, prominent citizens led by two physicians, William H. Robb and S.H. French, founded the Amsterdam Library Association. That collection was located on East Main Street, west of Church Street. It was not a free library -- members paid a subscription fee of one dollar a year.

In 1895, the facility became a free library after a fund raising campaign organized by women in the community sponsored by the Daily Democrat newspaper, a forerunner of the Recorder. A special women's edition of the newspaper sold 10,000 copies and raised $1,500.

In 1902, the Amsterdam Library Association became the Amsterdam Free Library after a donation of $25,000 was secured from philanthropist and industrialist Andrew Carnegie, who was solicited by Dr. French. Carnegie agreed to put up the money to construct the library building in exchange for the city's pledge for ongoing financial support.

Historian Hugh P. Donlon wrote that city aldermen were hesitant about the idea of ongoing library maintenance, but went along with the proposal after a meeting at alderman Frank Parmentier's saloon on Railroad Street.

At the library’s 1903 cornerstone ceremony, Dr. French paid tribute to the city's growing industrial importance, "The whir of spindle and wheel will penetrate even the rooms set apart to reading and meditation, a constant reminder of the fact that thought and action must be inseparable. The toiler, not the idler is the one for whom libraries are founded."

Through the years, natives of the city including movie actor Kirk Douglas have remembered the library with donations. Douglas honored his friend Sonya Jacobsen Seigel with a library gift.

My Aunt Vera Cudmore visited the library monthly in her later years, plopping herself on a chair next to the mystery section to borrow books, especially murder mysteries set in England donated by the wife of longtime Mohawk carpet company executive Herbert Shuttleworth.

Bob Cudmore is a freelance writer.

518 346 6657

February 23, 2025

Mohawk Valley patriotism

Amsterdam’s two Polish neighborhoods, Reid Hill and Park Hill, had separate drum corps.

Drum corps boosted Mohawk Valley patriotism

By Bob Cudmore, Focus on History 

     After World War I, Amsterdam veterans’organizations formed drum and bugle corps.    Most drum corps members were war veterans who had learned to march in the Army.  The premier groups were those of the James T. Bergen and John J. Wyszomirski American Legion posts.

During World War II the number of drum corps multiplied and the organizations attracted younger, teen-aged members.

Amsterdam’s two Polish neighborhoods, Reid Hill and Park Hill, had separate drum corps.  On Park Hill the all-female St. John’s Fife and Drum Corps looked sharp in blue and gold uniforms.  The group was originally known as the Seventh Ward Fife and Drum Corps.

On Reid Hill the co-educational Polish National Alliance (P.N.A.) Drum and Bugle Corps took the field wearing maroon and white. Based at the P.N.A. building at Reid and Church Streets, many members were parishioners of St. Stanislaus Church.

One of the P.N.A.’s young buglers, Frank Ratka, went on to a career as business manager for symphony orchestras in Syracuse, Pittsburgh, Oklahoma City and Atlanta. “It was during the war and something that was very patriotic at the time,” said Sylvia Zimolka Stock in a 2004 interview, explaining why she joined the St. John’s corps at age 11. Stock began as a flag bearer then played drums. Frank Yazum, also interviewed in 2004, joined the P.N.A. corps in 1937 as a bugler.

Stock and Yazum said their groups performed traditional marches plus popular songs set to a martial tempo.

The St. John’s group marched in a Polish-American parade in New York City and played at Fort Smith near Peekskill where Company G of the National Guard from Amsterdam was stationed.

Another martial music group of the 1940s was the all-female Fort Johnson Fife and Drum Corps, who wore bright red uniforms.

Marge Vertucci Habla was filling in as a flag bearer with the Fort Johnson corps during one memorable Memorial Day parade in the 1940s. Habla and majorette Grace Bender had received conflicting marching orders. Habla took a turn and starting marching toward the Old Fort, with soldiers saluting along the way. However, the music got fainter. Behind Habla, Bender had not taken the turn and was leading the instruments in a different direction.

The drum corps competed against each other and out of town groups in appearance and performance. Inspections and competitions were held at Amsterdam’s Sanford Field, now Veterans Field on Locust Avenue. One Johnstown unit wore dressy black uniforms. Troy had the Mighty Callahans, who dressed in green.

When Germany surrendered on May 8, 1945, the Allied victory in Europe, Stock said the St. John’s group “marched through the streets of Amsterdam because everybody was out celebrating.” Yazum did not recall if the P.N.A. corps marched that day, but said, “We just went around kissing all the girls.”

There were eight drum corps marching in Amsterdam’s World War II victory parade on September 15, 1945. Half of the groups were from the city and others came from Fort Johnson, Johnstown, Waterford and Syracuse. An all-female drum corps in Fonda sponsored a competition in 1947. The Fort Johnson drum corps entertained at the opening of the Mohawk Theatre in Amsterdam in 1949. For many years after the war, drum corps competitions were held in Amsterdam, Fonda, Fort Plain and Johnstown.

Nostalgia Corner

     After URI Kaufman’s unsuccessful effort to turn the vacant Chalmers mill on Amsterdam’s South Side into an upscale housing protect, there was another developer who put a project together to rehabilitate the Chalmers building. Reader Bob Scott said that proposal also failed. The Chalmers building was torn down in 2011 and 2012. 

Bob Cudmore is a freelance writer.

518 346 6657

February 16, 2025

The Underwear People

....Luxuray sold its own line of panties and also supplied lingerie to stores like Macy’s and J.C. Penney’s. Luxuray had a factory store in Fort Plain.

Luxuray--an employment mainstay in 20th century Fort Plain

By Bob Cudmore, Focus on History, Daily Gazette, Amsterdam

     A textile mill on Willett Street in Fort Plain produced women’s underwear, mainly panties, and was a major employer for most of the twentieth century.

The multi-storied factory was occupied in 1874 by the Shipman Spring and Axle Works, previously located in nearby Springfield and Van Hornsville. Minden town historian Rob Carter wrote, “In the course of a business combination, the factory was removed to Chicago Heights, Illinois, in 1894. The loss of this industry to Fort Plain was keenly felt.”

In about 1900, the Bailey brothers bought the Willett Street complex for their silk mill. That ran until 1931 when a company with the poetic sounding name of Luxuray bought the facility and embarked on an expansion.

“When this work is finished,” wrote the Otsego Farmer newspaper in 1933, “Luxuray Inc. will be one of the most complete and modern underwear plants in the United States, with a force of employees totaling from 250 to 300.”

The Gloversville Morning Herald that year reported Luxuray was implementing two shifts at its Fort Plain factory making rayon underwear. The predominantly female Luxuray employees, most of them operating sewing machines, were regularly noticed in local newspapers for sporting events, employee parties and good deeds. In 1945 many of the women from Luxuray used their own funds to help pay for a bingo party for soldiers recovering from war wounds at a Utica hospital.

Luxuray sold its own line of panties and also supplied lingerie to stores like Macy’s and J.C. Penney’s. Luxuray had a factory store in Fort Plain. Luxuray had several corporate owners. In the 1950s it became part of the Beaunit Corporation. The Fort Plain plant was sold to a group of Mohawk Valley investors in 1974.

“They may not know it,” wrote reporter Charles Tobey in a story in the Courier Standard Enterprise in 1984, “But right now, thousands of women are wearing panties made in Fort Plain.”

"We have people here who have worked 40 or more years in this factory," said plant manager Harry Reeder.

“Ladies' panties always have been the dominant product at Luxuray, although some other items have been manufactured,” Reeder said, “We make everything from a skimpy string bikini up to a size 68-inch hip."

Reeder added, “We like to think of ourselves as a good place to work.” Rolls of cotton, nylon, acetate and other materials were trucked to Fort Plain, and Luxuray’s cutting room staff was responsible for minimizing fabric waste.

From there, the material went to the sewing machine operators, women who comprised the majority of the employees.

Lightning apparently started a fire that damaged the roof of the factory in 1986. The company kept going. Foreign competition led to Luxuray’s demise. The company merged with Johnstown Knit in the closing years of the 20th century,

By 1999 underwear production ceased.


   Reader Ronald Johnson wrote, “I was happy to see my grandparents’ Walter and Gertrude Johnson's business (on East Main Street) mentioned in your Sam Stratton column in which Sam meets John Naple.  (Ron’s relatives) started the ice cream business in the 50's and it was one of the first soft serve ice cream stores in the area.  My sister, Linda and I recall the name as Frosty Freeze.  My grandfather had previously run service stations on Church St., Guy Park Ave and Tribes Hill.  My father, Ron and Uncle Walt (both WWII vets) helped their parents in the evenings and weekends as both had full time jobs.  After several years, my grandparents left the business primarily due to their ages and amount of time required.  The location on East Main and Elk later became an insurance business and used car lot.”

Bob Cudmore is a freelance writer.

518 346 6657

February 09, 2025


Sunday on The Historians. In 1912 Chalmers and partners moved knitting operations to a four story brick building they constructed on the south side of the Mohawk River in Amsterdam. Picture:Daily Gazette

Chalmers on Amsterdam's South Side

By Bob Cudmore, Focus on History

     David W. Chalmers and his partners were the last industrialists to start a major knitting mill in Amsterdam. Chalmers, John Blood, John Barnes and Howard Hanson founded Chalmers Knitting Company in 1901 in a building on Washington Street north of the Mohawk River.

An Amsterdam knitting expert, Martin J. Shaughnessey, had discovered a way to knit fabric and leave tiny holes to allow air to reach and cool the body of the wearer. Shaughnessy worked for Chalmers and they called the breathable fabric Porosknit. Chalmers advertised in a spectacular way for a decade with a large lighted sign in the 1920s above New York's Times Square, touting Porosknit underwear and other products. Historian Hugh Donlon said Amsterdamians who visited the big city "gawked" at the huge sign.

In 1912 Chalmers and partners moved knitting operations to a four story brick building they constructed on the south side of the Mohawk River in Amsterdam. Turner Construction of Amsterdam built a seven-story concrete addition to the Chalmers factory in 1916.

Many of the employees were Italian-Americans who walked to the mill from their South Side homes.

It was not easy work. "How many times we used to come home from work and cry because it was a bad day," said Elizabeth Sardonia in an interview with the Daily Gazette. "But you went to work the next day just the same, and punched that clock."

Turner Construction built a mansion on Guy Park Avenue for David Chalmers and his wife Emsie. A friend of Thomas Edison, Chalmers had electric lamps at his home and a third floor ballroom. The mansion is still in private hands.

The South Side knitting mill was sold in 1945 to Lester Martin of New York City who continued to manufacture underwear under the Chalmers name. In 1946, Martin's controller Joel Kaplan began making trips to Amsterdam from his native New York City to inventory the Chalmers operation.

David Chalmers died in 1950 at his Guy Park Avenue home. In 1955, Kaplan moved to Amsterdam to oversee the Chalmers plant, which at one time during Martin's ownership employed 650 people.

Martin died in 1959 and the Chalmers mill closed that year.  Textile operations continued, however, at the former Chalmers building, purchased by Edward Stern in 1962. Stern had a knitting operation on the fourth floor. Kaplan headed a new company named Montco which occupied the third floor, manufacturing women's sportswear.  Montco had a second factory in Johnstown.

Stern closed his Amsterdam operation in 1978.  Montco closed in 1980 as textile manufacturing moved overseas. Kaplan said Montco production supervisor Beatrice Fredericks and 30 other women started their own company in the Chalmers building in 1980. They produced clothing there until about 1985. Kaplan was active in numerous non-profits in particular the Amsterdam Free Library. He died in 2015.

In the early 2000s, Long Island developer Uri Kaufman proposed construction of a luxury apartment complex using the Chalmers building.  Kaufman has created apartment complexes from former mill buildings in Cohoes.

The Chalmers building was placed on the National Historic Register in 2010. But there was opposition to Kaufman's plan on the city's Common Council.

The Gazette reported, "That plan fell apart amid the housing market collapse, trouble with the title to the property and a general desire by many to have the eyesore gone and the site available for redevelopment." The Chalmers mill was torn down over several months, starting in late 2011 and finishing in 2012.

The Chalmers site is now adjacent to the entrance to Amsterdam's popular pedestrian bridge, the Mohawk Valley Gateway Overlook.

Bob Cudmore is a freelance writer.

518 346 6657

February 02, 2025

All about The TUba

....His passion though was music. According to a 1950 feature article in the Mohawk Carpet Mills publication Tomohawk, Breen started his musical journey playing an alto horn in the Rock City Silvertone Cornet Band, the same year he started working at Larrabee’s.

Tuba player struck up the band

By Bob Cudmore, Focus on History, Daily Gazette, Amsterdam Recorder 

     Amsterdam tuba player Herbert S. Breen was married twice.  His first wife, Maude Mosher, died in 1927, the year the Mohawk Mills Band was formed.  Two years later he married Carrie Wilbur. Breen said he met both women when he was playing in a band, “Must be that uniform that gets them.”

Born in Manchester, England, in 1879, Breen came to America at age six and his family settled in Amsterdam. Breen’s first job in 1896 was at John E. Larrabee’s, the city’s popular hardware store. He later opened his own plumbing and tinsmith shop. He also worked for Chuctanunda Gas and Light before returning to Larrabee’s, where he remained for 45 years. He serviced air conditioning units.

His passion though was music. According to a 1950 feature article in the Mohawk Carpet Mills publication Tomohawk, Breen started his musical journey playing an alto horn in the Rock City Silvertone Cornet Band, the same year he started working at Larrabee’s.

The musical group practiced in a grocery store at the corner of First Street and Forest Avenue in Amsterdam’s Rockton section.  Breen said the band could have been more successful, “People used to blow their lamps out if they thought we were going to play in front of their house.”

When the Rock City band broke up, Breen sometimes played in the Hagaman Citizens Band, Fort Hunter Military Band, Minch’s Military Band, Hagaman Boys Band and the popular 13th Brigade of the Knights of Pythias, a fraternal group. “As the band grows older,” Breen told Tomohawk, “it seems to me the boys go into a kind of a slump and have to start over again.”

Breen said the major “start over” in his musical life came in 1927 when the Mohawk Mills Band was formed, subsidized by the carpet mill owners, the Shuttleworth family. The band was led by a number of men but for many years one of the Musolff brothers—Edward, Harry or Frank---held the conductor’s baton.

Quite a few members worked for the mill but others, like Breen, did not. The band was in peak form in 1950 when Breen was interviewed for a company magazine article. He is pictured on the cover playing the tuba.

At age 70, Breen was the oldest member of the organization. The youngest was Amsterdam junior high school student George Guilbault, Jr., a percussionist. His father, George Guilbault, Sr., owned a supply business, was a snare drummer and persuaded his son to join.

Carpet weaver Al Pietro played clarinet. Finishing room worker John Carbonelli was a cornet player, as was weaver and charter member Arthur Cook.

Music store proprietor and former weaver Martin Dybas was a charter member and played clarinet, as did banker James McGibbon. Herm Bettine, who operated an auto repair garage, played bass drum.

Breen told Tomohawk that he didn’t consider himself “much of a musician” but said he had a “wonderful chance to do some clowning and have a few laughs.” In 1961 American Legion Post 701 took over sponsorship of the band from the carpet mill. Carpet production was now moving south.

Herb Breen died at Amsterdam Memorial Hospital in 1962 after a month-long illness. He was 82. His wife, one son, one step-son, one grandson and two great-grandchildren survived him.  He was buried at Hagaman Cemetery after a service conducted by Reverend Albert Brockway of First Methodist Church.

Members of the newly named Post 701 Band called to pay their respects. Breen had been named an honorary member of the Amsterdam Musicians Local. He was a charter member of the Hagaman Volunteer Fire Department

Bob Cudmore is a free lance writer.


January 26, 2025

Sam Stratton

......and an 11-year old entrepreneur.

Helping Sam Stratton get elected

By Bob Cudmore, Focus on History

         On one of Samuel Stratton’s early trips to Amsterdam as part of his first Congressional campaign there he luckily ran into an 11-year old entrepreneur.

East End native John Naple wrote, “If I was 12 years old I could get my working papers and then have my own paper route, but it was only 1958 so I had one more year to wait.  While I waited, Mike Sheridan from Kline Street hired me to deliver his route.” Sheridan had over one hundred Recorders to deliver from Marotta’s News across from St. Casimir’s Church to Degraff Street near Coessens Park.

It was a hot summer day and Naple still had half the papers to deliver, “Having some pocket change, I stopped at Frosty’s Ice Cream at the top of Elk Street.  A handsome, thin young man, with a sweaty wrinkled white shirt pulled a beat up station wagon into the parking lot.  He jumped out and started talking to the people in line.” He told them, “I’m the mayor of Schenectady, running for Congress and looking for your vote.” Stratton was 41 at the time. He had been awarded two bronze stars as an officer in Navy intelligence in World War II. Naple said Stratton was handing out small cards with this name and picture on them, “I introduced myself to him, while he was eating his ice cream.

“I was taken by the man and making an executive decision, offered to put his cards in my papers when I rolled them up.  I showed him how to roll the paper and tuck the card inside.  He gave it a try and did a fair job.  I could roll a paper in about two seconds.  I rolled about 50 of his cards into the papers in the dirty canvas bag that hung over my shoulder.”

Naple threw some rolled papers up on first and second story porches. Some went into milk boxes and others behind screen doors. “All those customers received the card of Sam Stratton,” Naple recalled. 

Stratton won the election in November and served 30 years in Congress, 1959 to 1989. Naple said, “Years later Stratton appointed two of my younger brothers to the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis. They both had distinguished naval careers. Did I help my brothers get their appointments by helping Sam get elected?”

John Naple went on to be a science teacher.  Now retired he is active in the community organizing Amsterdam Reads for the local library.


     Naple and his cousin Sharon DiMenno Menech now of Broadalbin grew up on Eagle Street.

Menech recalled, “In the neighborhood everyone got along, and all the adults sat out in front of our house and the kids played all kinds of games.”

Menech and Naple grew up on Eagle Street, across the street from where Kirk Douglas was born and raised.  She used to walk past old Amsterdam landmarks on her way to and from school: Shell’s Pharmacy, Johnny’s Seafood and the Mohawk, Tryon and Rialto theaters.

Menech said, “Friday nights there always was walking downtown. shopping and meeting friends at Brownie’s and sitting in tbe back booth.” Menech’s father worked at Bigelow-Sanford carpet mill and her mother worked third shift at Mohasco carpet mill.  When Bigelow-Sanford moved out in 1955 her father got a job at a Christmas tree factory. When Mohasco moved out, her mother found work at the Big N store deli on Route 30.

“The closing of the carper mills put many out of work,” Menech said. “But they usually found a job of one kind or another.”

Bob Cudmore is a freelance writer.

518 346 6657 

January 19, 2025

People called her Queen Libby

Queen Libby ran a boarding house and grocery store in the west end of Fonda, where she fed, housed and cared for Italian immigrants who worked on the railroad.

The woman who was was the queen of Fonda

By Bob Cudmore, Focus on History, Daily Gazette, Amsterdam Recorder 

People called her Queen Libby  

      A formidable woman from Italy, Queen Libby literally stopped a train, saved a man from the electric chair and became a major property owner in Fonda. Elizabeth Luciano was born in Pietremalara near Naples, Italy in 1872.  She came to America alone when she was 15 and settled in Fonda to be near relatives who lived in Johnstown.

She married another Italian immigrant, James Cassell. They had three children before Cassell died at the age of 33. Libby then married Alfonso Mancini, who worked for the railroad, and had four more children.  

Libby and Alfonso returned to Italy for a time where Alfonso was a jailor. Libby returned to America by herself and Alfonso eventually followed her back to America. According to one of her grandchildren, Libby was a large woman who received her nickname when she knocked down a man who had used an ethnic slur about Italians. “The next time you see me, you bow,” Libby told the fallen man, leading him to refer to her as Queen Libby or Queen Lib.

Queen Libby ran a boarding house and grocery store in the west end of Fonda, where she fed, housed and cared for Italian immigrants who worked on the railroad. She had a good head for business and also purchased 16 two family houses in the village. Patsy Cassell, one of Libby’s sons, ran a popular Fonda tavern called Patsy’s for many years.

In 1923, one of Libby’s daughters, Eva Mancini Pepe, was about to give birth to her first child.  Eva had married Ralph Pepe, whose father Salvatore had founded Pepe’s Bakery, which was a family business on Amsterdam’s South Side.

According to a clipping from The Recorder from January 20th of 1923, Libby was informed by telephone that her daughter was about to have a rare Caesarean section at St. Mary’s Hospital in Amsterdam.

Libby secured a red flag at the Fonda train station and when an express came thundering in its usual way she waved the red flag, convincing the engineer to stop the train and take her to Amsterdam. Arriving at the hospital, she charged into the operating room.

Libby also made a phone call to the New York Central Railroad and demanded that the next possible train stop in Fonda to take her husband to Amsterdam. The headline from the newspaper clipping reads: “Flags train to reach daughter as stork comes: Fonda woman bossed the whole New York Central Railroad but got to Amsterdam hospital on time.”

The child born that day was Vincenza Pepe, who passed away in 2001.  Vincenza Pepe had seven children and the child she bore in 1924 was Salvatore Pepe of Amsterdam, who provided information for this story. “Queen Libby was strong-minded, tough but a gentle grandmother,” Salvatore Pepe said, recalling that Libby gave quarters to her grandchildren.

Ann Nardick Sherman of Amsterdam also claimed Queen Libby as a grandmother. Sherman’s mother was Constance Cassell, one of the children from Libby’s first marriage.

According to Sherman, Libby was an interpreter for Italians who could not speak English who were brought before the court in Fonda.  Libby once saved an innocent man from the electric chair. Libby called Italy where the real murderer had fled and had him sent back to the United States for trial. Governor Franklin Roosevelt was so impressed that he visited Fonda to commend Libby and a parade was held in her honor.

Queen Libby died in 1938 and her grandchildren said her funeral was the biggest funeral ever seen in Fonda.

Bob Cudmore is a freelance writer.


January 12, 2025

Mary Anne Krupsak’s roots

Wytrwal became an entrepreneur. He founded a pharmacy in 1910, later operated by a daughter and son-in-law as Krupzak’s Pharmacy on Hibbard Street.

Mary Anne Krupsak’s roots

By Bob Cudmore, Focus on History, Daily Gazette, Amsterdam Recorder 

     Long before Polish-American John Gomulka was elected mayor of Amsterdam in 1967, Michael J. Wytrwal, who never held elected office, was widely known as the city’s unofficial Polish mayor.

Wytrwal was born near Krakow, Poland in 1882 and immigrated to Scranton, Pennsylvania when he was fourteen with his mother Sophie, who then returned to their native land to retrieve another son. Sophie and her other son died in Poland.

Wytrwal worked in Scranton’s coal mines for six months then moved to Reid Hill, one of Amsterdam’s two Polish enclaves. There he started a candy and ice cream business.

Wytrwal married Mamie Brudzdowski in 1904 and sold life insurance. Mamie died two years later in childbirth. In 1907, Wytrwal married Mamie’s sister Josephine. He fathered seven children, the son from his first marriage plus five daughters and another son from the second marriage. The Wytrwals took up residence in the Brudzdowski’s two-family home at 26 Cornell Street.

Wytrwal became an entrepreneur. He founded a pharmacy in 1910, later operated by a daughter and son-in-law as Krupzak’s Pharmacy on Hibbard Street. Next door was Wytrwal’s Furniture, managed by one of Wytrwal’s sons. M.J. Wytrwal Coal and Oil, started in 1926, was on James Street.

He was a founder of what was known as the Polish bank and the local Polish National Alliance. He built homes in Amsterdam and was part owner of a Fort Plain knitting mill.

Local Polish people frequently approached Wytrwal for assistance getting work, even for help with personal problems.

In the Depression Wytrwal let it be known he enjoyed “welfare peanut butter” given out to the needy. He bought many jars of peanut butter from destitute friends who were too proud to ask for a handout.

In the 1933 mayoral election Wytrwal helped English native Arthur Carter win the race as a Democrat. President Franklin Roosevelt named Wytrwal to head National Recovery Act programs in Montgomery County. Carter served twelve years with Wytrwal’s support in the predominately Polish Fourth Ward.

One grandchild said Wytrwal was eloquent in both Polish and English and was a broker between the Polish-speaking community and the English-speaking power structure. The grandchildren remember Christmas Eves when the needy always found a seat at the family table.

Wytrwal doted on his fifteen grandchildren, one of whom drove him places when his failing eyesight made it impossible for him to drive himself.

He was a role model for granddaughter Mary Anne Krupsak, the trailblazing woman politician who was born in Schenectady and raised in Amsterdam.  Her parents operated Krupsak’s Pharmacy on Hibbard Street..     

Mary Anne Krupsak died December 28, 2024 at age 92 at her home on Seneca Lake, New York.   

Young Krupsak ate lunch at her grandparents’ home every day when she attended St. Stanislaus School nearby. She saw a constant parade of people seeking assistance from her grandfather.

Wytrwal’s wife Josephine died in 1956. Michael Wytrwal lived to see Krupsak sworn in as an Assemblywoman in January 1969.

When Wytrwal died January 21 of 1970, the Recorder editorialized that he was “likeable, friendly, considerate, a progressive in the finest sense of the word.”

After Wytrwal’s death, Krupsak won a State Senate seat. She was elected the state’s first woman Lieutenant Governor in 1974, running with Democrat Hugh Carey.  In 1978 she unsuccessfully challenged Carey for governor in a Democratic primary.

After leaving public life, Krupsak worked as an attorney encouraging startup companies. The work was similar to what her grandfather had done in Amsterdam, where he negotiated deals to help the community with nothing more than a handshake.

“People trusted him because of his honor,” Krupsak said.

Bob Cudmore is a free lance writer.


January 05, 2025

1925 Expo

....The Progress Exposition was organized by the Board of Trade, predecessor of the Fulton-Montgomery Chamber of Commerce.

Amsterdam sparkled in 1925 expo
By Bob Cudmore, Focus on History, Daily Gazette, Amsterdam Recorder

       America was prospering in 1925, one hundred years ago, and local businesses staged.Amsterdams Progress Exposition and Auto Show that year to show off that prosperity. In the 1920s, that was the heyday here, said anthropologist Susan Dauria. The population was about 35,000, the biggest its ever been. Dauria wrote her doctoral dissertation on the rise and decline of manufacturing in Amsterdam.

The Progress Exposition was organized by the Board of Trade, predecessor of the Fulton-Montgomery Chamber of Commerce. The event was held for eight days in September at Rosss Flats in the East End.  Admission was 25 cents for adults and 10 cents for children.

The Recorder reported that on opening day people "stormed the entrance" which was dominated by a large windmill to emphasize Amsterdam's Dutch roots. Mayor Carl Salmon opened the festivities saying Amsterdam had "diversified industries" and it was time to show people what was "made and done here." State Senator William Byrne, who had a home in the nearby town of Florida, said it was time to put Amsterdam on the map.

The exposition had more than a hundred booths where manufacturers and businessmen showed their wares.  One mammoth tent was dedicated to the display of automobiles.  Socony (Standard Oil of New York) showed off a gasoline pump.
The carpet mills
Mohawk and Stephen Sanford & Sons. had booths in the Exposition, as did other manufacturers.

A Main Street parade preceded opening night. The Schenectady Gazette reported, “All the industrial concerns and stores in this city have been invited to have their old employees in point of service participate in the parade, as the parade will feature those who have had part in the building up of Amsterdam.
Schenectady General Electric furnished floodlights.  There was a fashion show, baby contest and pet show. 

Main Street department store Holzheimer & Shaul occupied several booths that looked like store window displays.  A cardboard cutout of a young girl was behind a new Hoover vacuum cleaner, offered with unusually easy terms.  A female mannequin wearing an apron was placed amid a display of Glenwood gas and wood stoves.

One of the firms principals, P. Dater Shaul, was pictured at a planning session for the Exposition.  To tout the citys role in making rugs, Holzheimers put a Sanford carpet on the sidewalk in front of its East Main Street store during the Exposition.

In Amsterdam since 1882, Fitzgeralds Bottling Works offered ginger ale for five cents a bottle at the Exposition.  “The safest drinks--kills disease germs, stated an advertising poster.

The Walter Elwood Museum in Amsterdam has a book of pictures of the Progress Exposition taken by photographer Emil Zillgitt for the Board of Trade.

One picture shows the booth of real estate agent Monroe Gray, selling suburban lots at Tribes Hill Heights, west of Amsterdam.   “A lot means a home and a home means a lot, stated a poster.  Gray was seated, smartly dressed in a three-piece suit, holding a rolled up blueprint.
Another poster promised,
Invest now and double your money at Tribes Hill Heights. Gray had blueprints of the lots and pictures of homes stacked on a table..

Zillgitt was born in Germany in 1883 and came to America when he was five..  He worked for photographer Fred Morse and bought Morses business.  

Amsterdam native Peter Betz said, ‘I have a picture of myself in a sailor suit taken at home by Zillgitt sometime around 1944.  I was about two years old and vaguely remember the gent because he was a very humorous man who knew how to get a nervous kid to sit for him. ‘

Bob Cudmore is a freelance writer. 

518 346 6657

December 29, 2024


Radio coverage was piped into the theater and dazed patrons left the building.

Highlights of Focus on History columns in 2024

By Bob Cudmore

       The movie "South of Tahiti" was playing at the Strand Theatre on East Main Street in Amsterdam, when interrupted as the news broke that the Japanese had bombed Pearl Harbor.

Radio coverage was piped into the theater and dazed patrons left the building.

A soldier who grew up on Northampton Road in Amsterdam was among the 2390 Americans killed in the Japanese attack on December 7, 1941.  

William E. Hasenfuss, Jr., died when Japanese airplanes shot up the B-24 bomber Hasenfuss and his ground crew were working on at Hickam Air Field in Hawaii.

Amsterdam country music performer Dusty Miller, whose real name was Elmer Rossi, Sr/, had a band called the Colorado Wranglers. Miller’s day job was stocking cigarette and other vending machines. In later years he delivered medicines from John Tag’s Guy Park Avenue pharmacy to local customers.

The Colorado Wranglers had a long run at Amsterdam's Bob's Tavern.  Miller managed to fit an Amsterdam radio show into his schedule well into his eighties. "I like country music because it shows life as it is," Miller said.

When he died in 1998 Dusty Miller was buried in his colorful cowboy clothes. Stanley Silvernail was born in Otsego County in 1917.  He worked for the Amsterdam Recorder for 41 years. In 1970 he became managing editor and in 1978 editorial page editor.    He was a graduate of Syracuse University and a veteran of the U.S. Army Air Corps and U.S. Air Force.  He married Wilhelmina Anna Phillips.  They lived on Black Street in Vail Mills.  

Their son Jeff recalled, “We had a private line before anyone on Black Street because people were always calling for him usually with things that no one wanted to share on a party line.”

When Orsini’s Royal Restaurant at East Main and Liberty Streets in Amsterdam opened in the 1920s, there were curtains on the booths.  Customers who were not Italian didn’t know how to eat spaghetti. They closed the curtains when dining on pasta. The Board of Health ordered the curtains removed.

Anthony Orsini, an immigrant from Abruzzi, and his wife Julia Richitelli, born near Naples, started the restaurant, also known as the Royal Lunch. It was a family business. Anthony’s daughter Genevieve was a founder of a high school sorority for Italian girls.  After graduating, she worked as a waitress.

When Judge Robert Sise was a youngster he went to communion at St. Mary’s Church, then stopped at Orsini’s for breakfast before school. Sise’s parents told Genevieve to supervise. Sise wanted chocolate doughnuts but Genevieve made him have toast or oatmeal, “Bob was a little annoyed with me.” Amsterdam’s Fairview Cemetery was built on a 110-acre parcel of land once owned by Revolutionary War surgeon Dr. David Shepard on a hill overlooking the Mohawk River valley.

By the late 19th century the land was purchased by Warren K. Nibble of Troy. Nibble decided to use the land for a cemetery.

The project was laid out by landscape engineer G. Douglas Baltimore. The chapel and mausoleum were completed in 1901.  A gateway of stone and iron was erected on Steadwell Avenue as the entrance to the cemetery in 1902.

Many of Amsterdam’s prominent citizens were buried at Fairview: the Shuttleworth family, who founded the factory that became Mohawk Carpet Mills; the Chalmers family, who operated knitting and button mills; and manufacturer John R. Blood, among others.

In 2024, two historic roadside markers were placed at the front entrance on Steadwell Avenue. One marker is dedicated to Fairview Cemetery itself and the second is for the Admiral Dahlgren cannon, located in the Veterans Section.

Bob Cudmore is a freelance writer.

518 346 6657 

December 22, 2024

Christmas in Amsterdam

....One of the sights in Amsterdam during the heyday of carpet manufacturing was the lighted outline of a Christmas tree installed on the front of the Clock Building on Prospect Street. Photo credit: Walter Elwood Museum

Christmas in Amsterdam through the years

By Bob Cudmore, Focus on History for Daily Gazette, Amsterdam Recorder

          Amsterdam retail sales records were broken in the 1902 Christmas shopping season.The post office, then at the corner of East Main and Church streets, was extremely busy. So many packages and letters crowded the postal facility that employees had problems finding places to stand to do their jobs.

One of the sights in Amsterdam during the heyday of carpet manufacturing was the lighted outline of a Christmas tree installed on the front of the Clock Building on Prospect Street. 

The Clock Building at the time was Amsterdam headquarters of Bigelow-Sanford. Carpets.During World War II Mohawk Carpets sent gift boxes to each of the mill’s soldiers. The 1943 box included candy, playing cards and a greeting card from company president, Howard Shuttleworth.

The city had a Christmas parade in 1947 featuring a balloon train.  A picture shows parade watchers spilling onto East Main Street to view the engine. The Mohawk Mills Chorus, predecessor of the Mohawk Valley Chorus, appeared on NBC television in 1949 singing Christmas tunes with vocalist Roberta Quinlan on her Mohawk Carpet Showroom program.

In the 1950s Amsterdam held a Christmas Festival at Coessens Park in the East End, organized by Mayor Thomas F. Gregg.   A Christmas village was built in the park and the festival lasted from early December through Christmas Day.

An estimated 35,000 attended the event.  Santa talked with children and animals were brought in from the Catskill Game Farm, including eight fallow deer posing as Santa’s reindeer.

The festival cost a couple thousand dollars more than was raised.  Although Mayor Gregg wanted to stage a festival the next year, that did not happen. Proprietor of a downtown butcher shop on Railroad Street, Gregg died in 1960.

In the 1950s Larrabee’s hardware store on Market Street sold Lionel and American Flyer model trains at Christmas. Each brand installed its own model railroad layout. The grandchildren of Polish American community leader Michael J. Wytrwal remember Christmas Eves when the needy found a seat at the family table on Cornell Street.

Albert “Kiddo” Zierak, tended bar Christmas Eve at Kiddo’s Tavern on Reid Street. He would send lonely people from the tavern to the house next door where his sisters lived, to enjoy the traditional Christmas Eve meal.

Alphonso and Catherine D'Alessandro owned the Gift & Hobby Shop at Lark and East Main Streets. On Christmas Eve Alphonso would stay late at the store, awaiting people coming to pick up their layaways.

At midnight Mass on Christmas Eve, all main lights at St. Casimir’s Roman Catholic Church then on East Main Street were turned off, smaller lights turned on.  A parishioner recalled that with the smaller lights and candles, the church looked magical.

The Christmas Eve service at St. Ann’s Episcopal Church on Division Street was so crowded years ago that ushers set up extra chairs in the center aisle to accommodate everyone.

The matrons at the Children’s Home orphanage on Guy Park Avenue years ago asked each child for a list of three things wanted for Christmas. One woman remembered getting paper dolls and white socks.

When high school social life was dominated by sororities and fraternities, a high point of the holidays was Phi Delta sorority’s Christmas formal.  In 1963 the dance was held at the Century Club on Guy Park Avenue. The girls of the sorority asked boys to attend.

Amsterdam wrapped up its bicentennial year in 2004 with City Hall display of a Christmas tree with ornaments made by students. Windmills on the tree paid tribute to Dutch heritage. One large windmill had holiday greetings in English, Italian, Polish and Spanish.

Bob Cudmore is a freelance writer.

518 346 6657

December 15, 2024

The Recordio

There is a fair amount of information online about the Recordio, manufactured in Charlotte, Michigan. Youtube has examples of recordings made on this system, which one online audiophile described as “decent.”

Family fun with the Recordio

By Bob Cudmore, Focus on History, Daily Gazette and Recorder

      In the late 1940s my family had a machine called the Recordio to make 78 rpm records for our own amusement.

We often sent these homemade records to my Aunt Winifred and Uncle Albert Gulloni who, with Albert’s daughter Sylvia, had moved to Inverness, Florida after World War II. The Gullonis sent us Recordio Discs they had recorded in return.

First sold in 1939 in variously priced models, the Wilcox-Gay Recordio enabled consumers to make their own records using a microphone or recording audio from an embedded AM radio.

My uncle Al had operated a radio and television repair shop in Scotia and moved south to advance his career in retail. My hunch is my parents got a deal on the Recordio from Uncle Al. It might even have been a gift.

There is a fair amount of information online about the Recordio, manufactured in Charlotte, Michigan. Youtube has examples of recordings made on this system, which one online audiophile described as “decent.” It’s reported online that Johnny Cash and Les Paul used these player-recorders at some points in their early careers.

Wilcox-Gay sold Recordio Discs or blank records in two sizes. You also could play commercially produced 78 rpm records on the machine’s turntable.

Unlike later cassette tape recorders, you couldn’t record over a Recordio Disc once you created it.

That was a problem in our case in that as a spoiled young child I was a show-off, fond of off-color words.

My father would say, “Bob, say Merry Christmas to Aunt Winnie and Uncle Al.” I would sometimes respond by saying, “Poop!”

In my defense I knew this would get a laugh at home from my aunts and sister, if not from my mother and father. We no doubt mailed the off-color Recordio Disc to Florida anyway, where my potty mouth likely got more chuckles.

One family picture shows my father Clarence holding a vase of flowers, standing and singing or talking into the Recordio microphone on a floor stand in our living room in our flat on Pulaski Street.

In this picture the Recordio itself is on a coffee table to my father’s right. The recording arm does not look like it is on the turntable. Maybe my father was practicing.

The picture was taken in 1949 or so as I was a toddler on the floor playing with my aunt, my father’s youngest sibling, Vera Cudmore. My sister, the real singer in the family, may have taken the picture.

My mother and my father’s oldest sister, Gladys Morrell, are sitting on a couch smiling, enjoying whatever father is doing.

The photo was taken before we had a television set and a large, handsome console radio, separate from the Recordio, has a place of honor along the Pulaski Street living room wall.

The Recordio made the move when our family relocated up the hill to a home of our own on Amsterdam’s Peter Lane in 1957. A few years after that Wilcox-Gay went out of business. At some point, unfortunately, our Recordio was discarded along with our Recordio Discs.

My friend Warren Garling, known as Chris Warren on the radio, has been interviewing veteran radio announcers for a podcast series about their careers. Several of them had technical skills and first got into radio by building their own home radio stations as teenagers.

I worked in radio for a half century or so but did not build a home radio station when I was a teenager.

But I did have the family Recordio which helped me practice my speaking skills when I was a child.

Bob Cudmore is a freelance writer.

518 346 6657

December 08, 2024

December 7, 1941

George A.Tralka, 15, was at his family's James Street home in Amsterdam when he heard news about the attack on the radio. At first Tralka thought Pearl Harbor was in Alaska.

Amsterdam goes to war

By Bob Cudmore, Focus on History for Daily Gazette and Amsterdam Recorder

     The movie "South of Tahiti" was playing at the Strand Theatre on East Main Street in Amsterdam, when interrupted as the news broke that the Japanese had bombed Pearl Harbor.

Radio coverage was piped into the theater and dazed patrons left the building. A soldier from Amsterdam was among the 2390 Americans killed in the Japanese attack on December 7, 1941. William E. Hasenfuss, Jr. was from a family of nine on Northampton Road.

Hasenfuss had flown planes at an airfield in Perth before enlisting in the Army in 1939. According to research done by the late Bob Going, some 176 Amsterdamians were killed in World War II. Hasenfuss died when Japanese airplanes shot up the B-24 bomber Hasenfuss and his ground crew were working on at Hickam Air Field in Hawaii.

His mother Frieda, Amsterdam's first World War II Gold Star Mother, christened the light cruiser U.S.S. Amsterdam in 1944 at Newport News, Virginia. About twenty relatives and friends of the Hasenfuss family were at the ceremony along with Mayor Wilbur H. Lynch..

Mrs. Hasenfuss was overcome with emotion when shipyard workers gave her a diamond-studded wristwatch. Lynch said Amsterdam is “a splendid city” just as “the cruiser Amsterdam is a splendid ship.” "I was thinking of William when I smashed that bottle." she said as the vessel slid into the James River.

USS Amsterdam was among the American ships in Tokyo Bay when the Japanese surrendered in 1945. A model of USS Amsterdam was made by the late Albert M. Swager of Pennsylvania, a former crewman, who donated it to Amsterdam's Walter Elwood Museum.

George A. Tralka, 15, was at his family's James Street home in Amsterdam when he heard news about the attack on the radio.  At first Tralka thought Pearl Harbor was in Alaska. Tralka’s parents went ahead with plans to go out that day and to have Tralka watch his younger sisters.  The next day as Tralka delivered the Schenectady Gazette he heard President Roosevelt's "day of infamy" speech on the radio when at Reid Hill Pharmacy.

"It was a solemn moment in the drug store," Tralka wrote in his memoir, "Diary of a Replacement Soldier." As his senior year in high school drew to a close, Tralka enlisted in an Army training program.  His notice to report came a few days before his senior prom and he was so busy getting ready to go that he failed to notify his date that he couldn’t attend the prom.

Later his brother accepted Tralka’s high school diploma. Tralka survived the war and became a physician in the Washington, D.C. area.

James V. Hogg from Amsterdam was on a Navy ship somewhere in the Pacific when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. His niece Karen terHaar said, "In the months after Pearl Harbor, many ships in the area were ordered to maintain radio silence. The families of crew members did not know if their fathers, sons or brothers were dead or alive."

Hogg's parents, Frank and Mildred Hogg, were living on Grant Avenue in Amsterdam.

TerHaar wrote, "About four months after Pearl Harbor, Mom was sitting on the front porch when she heard the postman's voice. She saw him running down the sidewalk. He was waving a letter and yelling, 'Jimmy's alive! Jimmy's alive!'"

James Hogg became a Lieutenant Commander in the Navy and married a woman from Australia. He later lived in California. Mitsuo Fuchida was the Japanese pilot who led the first warplanes in the attack on Pearl Harbor. After the war Fuchida converted to Christianity and spent many years living in America, although he died in Japan at age 73.

Bob Cudmore is a freelance writer.

518 346 6657

December 01, 2024

Two Amsterdam Cowboys

......."I like country music because it shows life as it is," Miller said.

Two Amsterdam cowboys

By Bob Cudmore, Focus on History, Daily Gazette and Amsterdam Recorder

     Amsterdam country music performer and radio host Dusty Miller, whose real name was Elmer Rossi, Sr, had a band called the Colorado Wranglers.

Miller's brother-in-law Barry Frank performed with Miller's band. Frank was a radio engineer well known in the Capital District. Miller had a day job stocking cigarette and other vending machines. In later years he delivered medicines from John Tag’s Guy Park Avenue pharmacy to local customers.

The Colorado Wranglers had a long run at Amsterdam's Bob's Tavern.  Miller managed to fit an Amsterdam radio show into his schedule well into his eighties. On his radio shows Dusty sometimes played his own music including his band’s theme song, ‘The happy roving cowboy.” When I started in radio in 1962 I used to run the controls for Dusty’s radio shoed on WCSS.  He was a great collector of radio memorabilia.  When I returned to this area I was glad to get a cassette tape from Dusty that had my introductions to WCSS programs from the 1960s.

Miller's last radio program on WCSS featured interviews with Amsterdam's myriad characters, from bartenders to former talk show hosts to country singers.

"I like country music because it shows life as it is," Miller said.

When he died in 1998 Dusty Miller was buried in his colorful cowboy clothes.


Jack Patton described himself as the Polish cowboy.   .

Patton was a musician, songwriter, health food advocate, actor and Amsterdam native.

The Web site reported that Patton's given name was Frank Aloysius Piecuch.      

His father worked at Mohawk Carpet Mills and changed the family name to Patton because there were too many other factory employees named Piecuch. Jack Patton played traditional Polish music at local weddings and dance halls on violin and accordion.

HillbillyMusic stated Patton was a childhood friend of actor Kirk Douglas, who grew up in Amsterdam as Isadore Demsky. Patton had a cowboy band in the late 1930s which was called Pals of the Saddle. However, the band was referred to as Pals of the Range in newspaper advertisements.

He moved to Hollywood in 1939 because Columbia Pictures was going to use one of his songs. Patton was drafted during World War II. He had impaired vision and saw limited duty, repairing damaged planes in Biloxi, Mississippi.

Columbia Pictures apparently used Cowboy Polka, one of his songs, in the movie "Swing in the Saddle" which featured music by Nat King Cole's trio. Patton met a songwriter named Eden Ahbez and apparently  helped convince Nat King Cole to record Ahbez's song "Nature Boy" which became a hit. Patton returned to the Capital District, opened a health food store, did radio shows and performed with his band. At one point, Patton had six health food stores. From 1949 to 1965, he operated a dude ranch called Sunset Ranch in Broadalbin.

 A 1952 Recorder ad reported Patton was doing a show from Lansing Beach Ranch in Broadalbin over Albany radio station WROW. A 1955 ad from the Schenectady Gazette stated Patton then operated Lansing Beach Ranch, renamed Sunset Ranch, which was having a horse pull and a broadcast by Gloversville station WENT.

Roamin' Around, a 1976 column in the Leader Herald, reported Patton was appearing in a movie filmed mainly in Brazil called Inspiration: The Polish Cowboy Rides Again.

Patton was living in Nashville when he died in the 1990s or later. He had purchased a recording studio there.


Reader William Bechtel of Burnt Hills enjoyed the photos archived online by Library of Congress showing pictures taken in 1941 in Amsterdam: “I actually was driven in cars as seen in the photos and remember them.”

Bob Cudmore is a freelance writer.

518 346 6657

November 24, 2024

Amsterdam 1941

.....The Strand Theater in 1941 in downtown Amsterdam. (Photo by John Collier, Jr., Library of Congress)

Amsterdam in 1941
By Bob Cudmore, Focus on History, Daily Gazette
     Photographer John Collier, Jr., spent one day in Amsterdam but his pictures provided a lasting portrait of a specific mill town just two months before the nation was thrust into World War II.

   A traveling photographer for the federal government's Farm Securities Administration, Collier visited Amsterdam on October 15, 1941.

 Collier was born in 1913 in Sparkill, New York, in Rockland County.  His father, John Collier, Sr., was U.S. Commissioner of Indian Affairs from 1933 to 1945.
Injured in an auto accident at age eight, John Collier, Jr., had learning disabilities.  Having trouble in school, he was apprenticed to a painter whose wife was a photographer.
 When the federal photo project that brought him to Amsterdam ended in 1943, Collier served in the U.S. Merchant Marine. He went on to use photography as a tool in anthropology, the study of human cultures. He became a professor at San Francisco State University. He died in 1992 in Costa Rica.

Thousands of Collier's photos are archived at the Maxwell Museum of Anthropology at theUniversity of New Mexico in Albuquerque..  Many of his photos are on the Web site of the Library of Congress. Collier took many pictures in downtown Amsterdam, providing a glimpse of the downtown some of us still remember.

 It was raining when Collier photographed two women and one man walking by the Strand, a movie theater on the south side of East Main Street. The photo has a film noir feel to it. The movies advertised on the Strand's marquee were Mickey Rooney in "Life Begins for Andy Hardy” and a romantic comedy, “Affectionately Yours,” featuring Rita Hayworth.
The Strand was across the street from St. Mary's Church. Previously the theater was known as the Lyceum. In 1949 it became the Mohawk and was operated by the Schine theater chain based in Gloversville. Collier took pictures of barge and boat traffic at Lock 11 on the Mohawk River/Barge Canal.  He documented passage of an oil tanker, the Providence Socony, and a trio of wooden barges, pulled by a tugboat.  He photographed what he called a yacht, by today's standards a modest pleasure boat called Gypsy.

In one photo of downtown Amsterdam, Collier showed three older women talking near the long-gone S.S. Kresge store on East Main.  A younger woman is to the side looking in her purse.  All are wearing hats and coats. A man passing by wears a fedora.  His shirtsleeves are rolled up and his head is down.  No one is smiling.  There are parking meters and flags on the street.  The flags may be leftovers from the recent Columbus Day parade.
Two older men face each other in front of a store window in another photo.  They wear fedoras and rumpled sport coats.  The man facing us has a cane and wears a sweater. His shoes are scuffed. The other man gazes suspiciously down the street.

In a picture Collier captioned "after school," three young men and a young woman are talking. The young woman is wearing saddle shoes and bobby sox. One youth, identified as James Musella, wears a sweater with a "G", for Gloversville High School.  He and a young man in a leather jacket carry bowling balls.

Family members identified the man in the leather jacket as Albert Basileo who became a Navy seaman in the war. He lived until 1997. In a Collier picture that has been published often, two men in suits join two other men less formally attired in crossing Church Street in front of the White Tower restaurant, then at the corner of Church and East Main.

Bob Cudmore is a freelance writer.


November 17, 2024

Amsterdam Mayor Arthur Carter

Amsterdam Mayor Arthur Carter speaks to a local crowd. (John Maney photo from Montgomery County Department of History and Archives)

Mayor Carter makes friends with FDR

By Bob Cudmore, Focus on History

    From time to time in the 1930s and 1940s Amsterdam Mayor Arthur Carter would get in a police car for a trip to Washington, D.C., to visit President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Lionel Fallows, son of Carter’s sister Nellie, said Roosevelt came through for the Amsterdam mayor. It was a triumvirate, Fallows said, with three Democrats in power: Carter the Amsterdam mayor, New York Governor Herbert Lehman and Roosevelt. There was federal money for the golf course, which was named for Carter, and money for other Amsterdam projects. Fallows said Carter could have done more but political opponents sometimes stymied the mayor.

Arthur Carter was born in 1897 in Kidderminster, England, a center of the English carpet trade that was a source of carpet-savvy immigrants who helped build Amsterdam’s leading industry. The youngest of several children, he came to America when he was nine and lived with his family on Lefferts Street in the East End.

Carter served in the U.S. Army in World War I.  He never took to carpet making, working instead in the wholesale grocery business.  In 1923, he married Lorraine Conrad. They did not have children.

Fallows said he did not know if his favorite uncle went beyond the eighth grade in school but said Carter took correspondence courses.

The year after his marriage, Carter started working for the State Comptroller’s Office in Albany as an auditor and got to know Roosevelt who became New York governor

Carter ran unsuccessfully for office in Amsterdam three times. Fallows said his uncle was terrified at first by public speaking but through practice became an expert at holding an audience.

In 1933, Carter was elected mayor, a year after Franklin Roosevelt was elected President. Carter was re-elected five times, the last time in 1941. He was also Democratic Party chairman, then a powerful position in Montgomery County.

In 1943, Carter left the mayor’s job in Amsterdam for the military.  A temporary mayor, John Klubakowski, served until Wilbur H. Lynch was elected and then sworn into office as Amsterdam mayor in 1944.

Awarded the rank of major, Carter served as military mayor of Bologna, Italy, during the Allied occupation. He learned Italian on the job.

When he returned to America, Carter went into broadcasting. He did a program on WSNY radio in Schenectady called Carter’s Comments.

In 1948, Carter was the principal founder of Community Service Broadcasting Corporation and radio station WCSS in Amsterdam. Carter was station president until 1953. He later worked in the financial field.

In 1963, Carter was prevailed upon by the Democratic Party to oppose Republican Marcus Breier in a race for Amsterdam mayor. Breier won.

Carter won more elections than any other Amsterdam mayor, although he did not serve the longest. That distinction goes to John Gomulka who served three consecutive four-year terms starting in 1968 and Mario Villa, who served eight years starting in 1980 and a separate four-year term beginning in 1992.

According to Fallows, Carter enjoyed strong support among Amsterdam’s Polish immigrants in the Fourth Ward and counted Reid Hill businessman Michael Wytrwal as one of his strongest supporters.

Arthur Carter died on August 29, 1983 at age 86. He and his wife lived at 4 Beacon Avenue on Market Hill. He was a member, treasurer and vestryman at St. Ann’s Episcopal Church for more than 25 years. He is buried in St. Mary’s Cemetery, as his wife was Roman Catholic.

A member of Masonic Lodge 829 for 64 years, Carter belonged to the Amsterdam Elks Lodge for 50 years. He was past commander of the James T. Bergen American Legion Post.

Bob Cudmore is a freelance writer. 

518 346 6657

November 10, 2024

Editor remembered

Longtime Amsterdam Recorder editor Stan Silvernail on the left in 1986. At the right is his brother Bruce.(Photo credit Jeff Silvernail)

Editor remembered for his work at The Recorder 

By Bob Cudmore, Focus on History for Daily Gazette and Recorder 

        Silvernail, the last name of an important and  long-tenured Amsterdam Recorder editor during the 20th century, seems to invoke a possible Native American origin. The family says though that Silvernail was not a Native American name but an Anglicized version of Silbernagel, a word of Palatine German origin brought to New York by settlers in the 1700s.

Stanley Silvernail was born in the town of Unadilla in Otsego County in 1917, the son of Harry and Olive Brownell Silvernail,  His father died when Stanley was a child and he was raised mainly by an aunt and uncle. He worked for the Amsterdam newspaper for 41 years, retiring in 1982.  In a news story on Silvernail’s death in 1990, Recorder reporter John Becker, wrote Silvernail was both a “fierce competitor and a kind, compassionate person.”

He was a graduate of Syracuse University, working his way through college with a job at the Syracuse Post Standard newspaper.  He earned a degree in journalism and liberal arts at Syracuse.   

He was a veteran of the U.S. Army Air Corps serving in Europe and Africa during World War II.  He was recalled to the U.S. Air Force during the Korean War as public relations director of the Air Force Institute of Technology at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio.  He earned the rank of lieutenant colonel in the Air Force reserves.

He married Wilhelmina Anna Phillips in 1945.  They lived on Black Street in Vail Mills.  They are survived by two sons, Joel and Jeffrey.  SIlvernail was buried at Fairview Cemetery. He became Recorder city editor in 1953.  In 1970 he was appointed managing editor and in 1978 was named editorial page editor.

When Silvernail died, former Recorder editor Brad Broyles said “Stan was one of the warmest, toughest, most honest and decent people I ever knew.”Stanley Silvernail’s son Jeff reminisced about what it was like growing up as the son of a newspaper man:

 “Journalism was a demanding career. Dad worked full days Monday through Friday plus Saturday mornings. He also often wrote at home on his old manual typewriter on his own time. It made quite a racket.

     “We had a private line before anyone on Black Street because people were always calling for him usually with things that no one wanted to share on a party line. Until I was 12 his 2 week vacation was spent fulfilling his Air Force Reserve obligation. Once he retired from the service we were finally able to take family vacations.

 “Every year we spent 2 weeks at the Recorder's camp on Lake Pleasant, Pine Knoll Lodge. I have many great memories of those vacations fishing with my Dad. 

 “When I was little sometimes Dad would take me to work with him on Saturday morning. This was long before computers. Watching the stories come in on the teletype was fascinating and then they were dispatched to the correct desk with a pneumatic tube system. “In spite of his long hours, my father made a point of coming to our baseball games. He was a rabid baseball fan, especially of his beloved Phillies. He watched TV with a transistor radio by his ear so he could follow the progress of the Phil's games on evenings during the season.

 “His work connected him with many politicians. He was essentially fond of Rep. Sam Stratton who was also in the Air Force Reserve. We were on the Nixon's Christmas card list. After his death State Senator Hugh Farley called me to personally tell me how much my Dad meant to him. “Around the dinner table family discussions often revolved around current events and politics.”

Bob Cudmore is a freelance writer.

518 346 6657

November 03, 2024

Orsini’s Royal Restaurant

More than a waitress

By Bob Cudmore, Focus on History, Daily Gazette, Amsterdam Recorder

   When Orsini’s Royal Restaurant at East Main and Liberty Streets in Amsterdam opened in the 1920s, there were curtains on the booths.

Customers who were not Italian didn’t quite know how to eat spaghetti, according to a family member. Patrons embarrassed to be seen eating this unusual ethnic dish closed the curtains when dining on pasta. The Board of Health eventually ordered the curtains removed.

Anthony Orsini, an immigrant from Abruzzi, and his wife Julia Richitelli, born near Naples, started the restaurant, also known as the Royal Lunch, after Anthony learned cooking at Amsterdam’s diners. It was a family business involving sons Ralph, Arthur and Alfred and daughters Mary and Genevieve.

Genevieve was a founder of Psi Chi Phi a high school sorority for Italian girls. After graduating, she worked as a waitress.

Ten cents was a usual tip, and then twenty-five cents became standard. She said a fifty-cent tip was remarkable, ‘We had to wear an apron. We had to wear a decent looking outfit. And we had to be very neat. We had the pencil on a chain.’

When the late Judge Robert Sise was a youngster he went to first Friday communion at St. Mary’s Church, then stopped at Orsini’s for breakfast before school at St. Mary’s Institute. Sise’s parents gave the child money and told Genevieve to supervise. Sise wanted chocolate doughnuts but Genevieve said she made him have toast or oatmeal, “Bob was a little annoyed with me.”

In the Depression, Orsini’s offered a blue-plate special for thirty-five cents that featured meat or fish, mashed potatoes and vegetables. Coffee was five cents.

Richard Ellers, who later lived in Ohio, remembers the Orsini meal ticket. Waitresses punched the ticket, which cost $4.50 but was actually worth $5.00 in food.

The Strand Theater was across the street and stage performers such as Baby Rose Marie and Buddy Ebsen frequented the restaurant.

In the early 1940s, Anthony Orsini relocated the restaurant to Market Street. It was open twenty-four hours a day, with son Ralph handling the overnight shift. There was more room for wedding receptions--a six course Italian meal cost one dollar a plate.

Genevieve married Edward Hartigan in 1944. Hartigan, the son of an Amsterdam police detective, fought with Merrill’s Marauders in the China-Burma-India Theater in World War II. He had been a vaudeville performer, bartender and later worked at the Scotia Naval Depot. He died in 1964.

The Hartigans lived at the corner of Division and Pine Streets and took in boarders, including members of the Rugmakers baseball team and WCSS radio announcers.

Orsini’s Restaurant closed in the 1950s. Anthony Orsini then worked as a cook for Tony Griffin at the Wil-Ton Lanes on Main Street. Later, his son Ralph opened an Orsini’s eatery on Wall Street near the former junior high where students bought French fries in little paper bags.

After Orsini’s closed on Market Street, Genevieve waited on tables at Isabel’s, a family-owned Italian restaurant on West Main Street, and then was a waitress for Pedro Perez at the Elks Club and a lakeside restaurant.

In 1957, she began working for the New York Retirement System, retiring herself in 1974. That year, she married Morris Palombo, a widower who was a food broker. Morris died in 1999.

Genevieve Orsini Hartigan Palombo was 99 when she died on Thursday, February 13, 2014. She had two children, son Michael and daughter Jennifer. Michael died in 1984.

Genevieve also was survived by two step-daughters, Sandra and Carol, plus seven grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren.

She enjoyed crocheting, reading, writing, cooking, entertaining, collecting nut crackers and writing letters.

Bob Cudmore is a freelance writer.

518 346 6657

October 27, 2024

Lonely hearts killing case linked to Amsterdam

Lonely hearts killing case linked to Amsterdam

By Bob Cudmore

Focus on History, Daily Gazette, Amsterdam Recorder 

      An Amsterdam woman was the step-daughter of a 1949 victim of a notorious murderous couple.

Mary C. Fay was listed in the 1930 census as a hospital nurse living in Albany with her father, Matthew Fay, and step-mother, Janet J. Fay (nee Flinn).

Mary Fay married a prominent physician, Alton Spencer. In 1940 Mary and Alton were living in Canajoharie with their daughter. They subsequently moved to Amsterdam.

Matthew Fay, Janet Fay's husband and Mary Spencer's father, was a steamfitter. Matthew and Janet lived on Caldwell Street in Albany until Matthew's sudden death in 1946.

At the end of 1948 Janet Fay, then about 60, was lured into a romantic relationship by Raymond Martinez Fernandez, a native of Hawaii who wore a toupee.

The late historian David Fiske wrote in a New York History Blog article, "The modus operandi was to use 'lonely hearts' ads to lure lonesome women into romantic situations in order to make use of their financial resources. In several cases (at least) the victims were then murdered."

Fernandez was joined in the scheme by Martha Beck. Beck, who had children in Florida, was originally earmarked to be one of Fernandez's victims, but the couple fell in love.

Fiske wrote that Fernandez began courting Fay at her Albany apartment on New Year's Eve of 1948, "Beck stayed out of the way at a hotel. After their initial meeting, Beck was introduced as the sister of Fernandez (a ploy used with other victims). Before long, Fernandez proposed marriage to the lonesome widow, and she accepted."

Fiske said Fay introduced her new friends to the Spencers at their Summit Avenue home in Amsterdam in early 1949. Dr. Spencer told the Albany Times Union, "We weren't suspicious in any way."

A short time later Fay took several thousand dollars from her bank account, left Albany and went to Valley Stream on Long Island with Fernandez and Beck.

Mary and Alton Spencer received a typed letter supposedly from Fay that did make them suspicious.

"We received many letters from Mrs. Spencer's stepmother," Dr. Spencer told the Times Union. ''None ever were typed. We thought it was very unusual." Mary Spencer went to Albany and convinced police to search for her step-mother.

Police found that Fay was murdered in Valley Stream after Beck became jealous when she saw Fernandez in an embrace with Fay. Beck, who weighed 200 pounds, bludgeoned Fay with a hammer and Fernandez then strangled Fay with a scarf, according to prosecutors.

The couple then went to Michigan, having found another lonely victim there. Fiske wrote, "Their killing spree halted when they were arrested in Michigan, where they admitted to having murdered a woman and her young daughter. Because they were in a state with no death penalty, they also felt comfortable telling police there about a widow they had murdered in New York State."

Police found Fay's body in Ozone Park in Queens, buried in the cellar of a house the killers had rented. Mary Spencer went to Queens to identify her step-mother's body.

New York State, which had a death penalty then, extradited Fernandez and Beck. Fernandez blamed Beck for the killing. He did tell police he had murdered 17 women, but authorities could not confirm that.

Both were found guilty after a 30 day trial that summer. Mary Spencer testified about the visit the two killers had made to her Amsterdam home.

Fernandez, 36, and Beck, 31, professed their love for each other before being executed by electric chair at Sing Sing prison in 1951. The case has been the subject of a book, e-book and 1970 film.

Bob Cudmore is a freelance writer.  

518 346 6657

October 20, 2024

Cousin George/Focus on History

....The newspaper reported, "Cousin George's last forecast was among his best, and right on the button." He died March 21, 1974 the first day of spring.(Photo credit to Barbara Pawlowski).

Weather prophet Cousin George

 By Bob Cudmore, Focus on History for Daily Gazette and Amsterdam Recorder 

  Weather prophet George Henry Casabonne was once described in a newspaper story as "cocky as a blue jay and scrappy as a bantam rooster."

Casabonne, five foot two, worked as a stonemason, farmer and General Electric factory hand. His 1974 obituary stated he was born in Northville in 1886. In 1959, though, he told the Gazette he was born in Tribes Hill.

He married Lydia Kruger and they had four children. Starting in 1917 the family maintained a farm on West Line Road in the town of Charlton in Saratoga County.

Casabonne burst onto the local media scene in the 1930s, following in the footsteps of a weather prognosticator called Uncle George Van Derveer of the town of Florida.  Amsterdam Recorder managing editor Bill Maroney was reputedly the first to call Casabonne "Cousin George."

Widely published historian David Pietrusza grew up over A. Lenczewski’s Bar and Grill at the corner of Reid and Church Street in Amsterdam.  Cousin George was a regular at the bar and sometimes entertained the patrons by playing his fiddle.

Pietrusza said Cousin George was famous for his weather predictions but also well known for his ability to douse for water.

Pietrusza recounts in his Amsterdam memoir "Too Long Ago" that Cousin George accurately predicted the end of a summer drought and Pietrusza witnessed the event by getting soaked walking home from the library.

Cousin George said he based his forecasts on lunar phases, the size and prevalence of woolly bear caterpillars and his own weather records.  He maintained that "satellites and Sputniks" zooming through space led to unexpected wind currents and rain here below.

He delivered seasonal forecasts to local media and was known for coming up with creative explanations for prognostications that went awry.

Cousin George was a favorite of newspapers, radio and then television. He performed on the Pete Williams country and western television show on WRGB.

He did not comment on global warming and was a media star before development of social media.

Cousin George did take some ribbing because of the squeaky sound of his violin. He could clog dance and tap dance.  As a show-stopper he would do a high kick.

Toward the end of his life Cousin George moved to his daughter Georgianna Chirickio's home on Lyon Street in Amsterdam.

Former Recorder reporter Steve Talbott's desk at the paper was closest to the door in the 1970s when Cousin George was ending his run. Talbott tended to receive walk-in news releases first, including visits from Cousin George with his seasonal forecasts.

In 1973, Cousin George's daughter drove him to the paper. When asked about her father's health, she looked down sadly and said he was not well. Cousin George died the next year.

Talbott said, "Stan Silvernail, the managing editor, a great guy and good editor, was the keeper of the Cousin George memory file. He would tell us young reporters about how Cousin George would admit to his occasional mistaken forecasts. There was a picture in the Recorder files of Cousin George shoveling shoulder-high snow in the Recorder parking lot on a day when he had said there would be no snow."

On March 16, 1974 he sent his granddaughter to the Recorder with his spring forecast the day before he was admitted to Amsterdam Memorial Hospital.

The newspaper reported, "Cousin George's last forecast was among his best, and right on the button." He died March 21, 1974 the first day of spring.

Snow turned to rain as Cousin George had predicted. He was buried at St. Mary's Cemetery in Fort Johnson.

Bob Cudmore is a free lance writer.

518 346 6657

October 13, 2024

Bob Cudmore/The Gazette and Amsterdam Recorder

Petrone Square, the corner of Church and Main streets in Amsterdam, is named in honor of Rocco Petrone. Petrone was born in Amsterdam in 1926, the son of Italian immigrants. He was launch director and what the New York Times called a ‘driving force’ in the Apollo moon program. He died in 2006.

Perth, Amsterdam and the Moon

By Bob Cudmore, Focus on History, Daily Gazette and Amsterdam Recorder.

The name of the class of 1938 valedictorian at Perth High School may be inscribed on a plaque left on the Moon during an American lunar landing..

Stanley J. Jevitt, Sr., was born in Avoca, Pennsylvania, the son of Antoni and Julia Dziewit. The spelling later was changed to Jevitt. Stanley was the sixth of eight children.

Antoni and Julia were Polish immigrants who originally settled in Amsterdam. They moved to Pennsylvania where they had a farm and where Antoni worked in the mines. A doctor told Antoni he had early stages of black lung disease and advised him to stop mining. The family relocated to Perth, buying a farm on McQueen Road.

After high school, where he was also class president, Stanley Jevitt earned a degree in aeronautical engineering at the University of Alabama, known for its program in rocket science. He was the first of his siblings to go to college; Perth school superintendent John Paris said if his parents couldn’t afford college, he would see to it that Stanley’s bill was paid.

Jevitt learned to fly while in college, graduated in 1942 and enlisted in the U.S. Navy. Stationed in Alameda, California, he was crew chief on the Martin Mars flying boat, a huge seaplane that flew supplies between California and Honolulu.

After the war Jevitt worked at Schenectady General Electric on development and testing of jet engines. He also operated Sacandaga Sea Plane in Mayfield. He gave flying lessons and transported customers by seaplane on fishing and scenic trips. Jevitt taught his wife Dorothy, an Indianapolis native, several of their six children and three of his brothers to fly.

In February 1948 Jevitt survived an airplane accident on snow covered Mayfield Lake. According to the Leader Republican, Jevitt was landing on what he believed was a couple inches of snow on top of the frozen lake. However there was actually 16 to 18 inches of snow cover. The plane nosedived and turned over on landing. No one was injured but volunteers worked for hours turning the plane upright and towing it off the lake using toboggans.

Jevitt left GE and worked for other aeronautical companies: Bell Aircraft, Lockheed and Martin Marietta. He joined NASA in 1966 at Cape Canaveral in Florida. In a news release in May 1969 NASA reported that Jevitt was playing a key role in the launch of Apollo 10 that month.

His niece Frances Luzinas said Jevitt was on a list of engineers whose names were inscribed on a plaque left on the moon, most likely during Apollo 11 in July 1969.

NASA’s public information office said it does not have any information on official plaques left on the Moon with Apollo employee names on them. However, NASA said there were unsanctioned actions by employees and contractors that were not formally documented. The NASA statement continued, ‘Unfortunately, we have no way of confirming whether or not Mr. Jevitt's name was on an unofficial list/plaque.’

In later years, Jevitt was assistant to the chief engineer on the Space Shuttle and contributed to development of the Shuttle’s rocket booster.

He died at age 77 on April 18, 1998 at Cape Canaveral Hospital in Cocoa Beach, Florida and was buried at Arlington National Cemetery.


Petrone Square, the corner of Church and Main streets in Amsterdam, is named in honor of Rocco Petrone. Petrone was born in Amsterdam in 1926, the son of Italian immigrants. He was launch director and what the New York Times called a ‘driving force’ in the Apollo moon program. He died in 2006.

Cudmore in The Gazette

Bob Cudmore is a free lance writer.

518 346 6657

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