Friday, July 19, 2019-Episode 275-Perspectives on the 1969 moon landing by American astronauts from Rod Pyle of NASA, author of “First on the Moon,” and Curt Breneman, dean of science at RPI in Troy, N.Y.
Sunday, July 14, 2019-On Magic 590’s Talk of the Town Rod Pyle of NASA and Curt Breneman, dean of science at RPI, discuss the 1969 moon landing.
Friday, July 12, 2019- Episode 274-David Fiske discusses an 1840s enslavement case (similar to Solomon Northup) involving an African American named Eli Terry of Indiana. Fiske, previously co-author of a book on Northup
Friday, July 5, 2019- Episode 273-Bob Cudmore has stories about the Charleston Historical Society, Adirondack YMCA Camp Agaming and a Washington D.C. area physician’s memories of Amsterdam, N.Y.
Bob Cudmore’s guest on Talk of the Town today has advice on Alzheimer’s Disease. Social worker Mary Moller is author of the book, “Alzheimer’s Through the Stages: A Caregiver’s Guide.” Listen Sunday at 6:30 a.m. on Magic 590 plus 100.5 and on 96.9 and 1410 in the North Country. Posted as a podcast hear on The Historians
Friday, June 28, 2019-Episode 272- A long stretch of New York’s Mohawk River became a canal in the early 1900s. Bridge dams made that possible and are still in use today. Michael Riley is author of the book “Bridge Dams on the Mohawk: David A. Watt’s Marvelous Creation.” Riley is the guest on this week’s Historians Podcast.
Sunday, June 23, 2019- Bob Cudmore’s guests on Magic 590’s Talk of the Town are Albany’s Historic Cherry Hill executive director Deborah Emmons-Andarawis and Albany city tour guide Maeve McEneny.
Episode 271-Albany, N.Y., history tour guide Maeve McEneny talks about her native city and tours she has created on historic landmarks, literature and even pubs. McEneny is Education and Heritage Coordinator at the Albany Visitor Center.
Sunday, June 16, 2019- Bob Cudmore’s guest on Magic 590’s Talk of the Town is Daily Gazette news columnist Sara Foss.
Friday, June 14, 2019-Episode 270-Deborah Emmons-Andarawis is executive director at Historic Cherry Hill, an 18th century house museum on South Pearl Street in Albany New York. Hear about the lives of the former residents and the gripping tale of a murder at Cherry Hill in the 1800s.
Episode 269-Czech filmmaker Andrea Culkova discusses her current project, The Magic Carpet. The documentary is about a carpet manufacturer in the Czech Republic but Culkova’s research took her to Amsterdam, N.Y., for a video shoot and interviews regarding the years when Amsterdam was called the Carpet City.
Sunday, June 2, 2019-Bob Cudmore’s guest on Magic 590’s Talk of the Town is Capital District Congressman Paul Tonko.
Friday, May 31, 2019-Episode 268-Beth Hill is president and CEO of Fort Ticonderoga. Hill discusses the historic site’s emphasis on 1758 in this season’s activities, a year in which a large British army was unable to capture the fort, defended by a much smaller French garrison.
Bob Cudmore’s guest on Magic 590’s Talk of the Town today, Sunday, May 26, 2019 is Beth Hill, CEO of Fort Ticonderoga. The fort is a popular North Country historic site and tourist destination. Listen Sunday at 6:30 a.m. on Magic 590 plus 100.5 and on these North Country stations, 1410 and 96.9. Posted as a podcast hear on The Historians
Friday, May 24, 2019-Episode 267- Linda Thompson is author of the historical novel “The Plum Blooms in Winter.” The book is based on the 1942 American air raid on Tokyo led by pioneer aviator Jimmy Doolittle.
Sunday, May 19, 2019-Bob Cudmore’s guest on Magic 590’s Talk of the Town is Patricia Walsh Chadwick, author of “Little Sister,” the story of her childhood in a Roman Catholic commune.
Friday, May 17, 2019-Episode 266-Bob Cudmore has stories from the Mohawk Valley: Amsterdam’s downtown movie theaters, a syndicated journalist from Fonda and a Civil War surgeon who was born in Root, N.Y.
Montgomery County Executive Matt Ossenfort is Bob Cudmore’s guest this weekend on Magic 590’s Talk of the Town. Ossenfort is now opposed to a planned industrial park in the Montgomery County town of Mohawk, noting that the unemployment rate in his county has declined substantially because of previous business growth. Listen each Sunday on Magic 590 and 100.5 in Albany and 1410 and 96.9 in the North Country. Posted as a Podcast hear on The Historians
Friday, May 10, 2019-Episode 265-Leader Herald newspaper history columnist Peter Betz has stories about a murderer who wanted to hang and a salesman who stole the goods he was supposed to sell.
Sara Foss, news columnist for the Daily Gazette, is Bob Cudmore’s guest today on Talk of the Town. Topics include how to handle school bus bullies, helping St. Clare’s Hospital pensioners and is the Schenectady revival for real. Listen each Sunday on Magic 590 and 100.5 radio in Albany, also heard in the Glens Falls/Lake George Region on 1410 AM and 96.9 FM. The interview posted online hear on The Historians
Friday May 3, 2019-Episode 264-Roger Higgins is author of “Billy Gogan Gone Fer Soldier,” a historical novel about an Irish immigrant and his experiences in the Mexican-American War in the 1840s.
Bob Cudmore’s guest this weekend on Talk of the Town is Niskayuna town councilwoman Denise Murphy McGraw. She discusses town finances and remembers the life of philanthropist Jane Golub who was a Niskayuna resident. Listen Every Sunday at 6:30 a.m. on Magic 590 and 100.5 in Albany and 1410 and 96.9 in the North Country. Posted as a Podcast on The Historians
Friday, April 26, 2019-Episode 263-Victoria Riskin, a psychologist and movie and TV producer, is author of “Fay Wray and Robert Riskin: A Hollywood Memoir” about her parents. Fay Wray was in King Kong and many other movies. Robert Riskin was a screenwriter.
Bob Cudmore’s guest on Talk of the Town today is Tim Rizzuto, executive director of the World War II era USS Slater destroyer escort, moored in Albany and open as an historical museum. Listen each Sunday at 6:30 a.m. on Magic 590 and 100.5 in Albany and on 1410 and 96.9 in Glens Falls. Posted as a podcast hear on The Historians